Reading Features From A Google Fusion Tables Table

protocol, script, fusion tables

Demonstrates how, with a custom read method, the script protocol and GeoJSON format can be used to read features stored in a table on Google Fusion Tables.

© OpenStreetMap contributors

Google Fusion Tables can be used to store features, and access them using SQL-type commands over HTTP. Tables are accessed using an authorization key; create/update/delete of tables requires an OAuth2 token, but tables can be public, in which case a simple apikey is all that's needed to read them. Geometries can be stored in Location columns in KML format, but the default output is a JSON object with the geometry as GeoJSON. With a custom read method, this example parses the geometry for each row, storing the other columns as feature attributes. You can of course add a 'where' clause to the SQL statement or change the column names to limit the data retrieved. Point geometries can also be stored in Latitude/Longitude columns, and the script could easily be modified to use those instead.

View the fusiontables.js source to see how this is done. You will need to get your own apikey from Google's API Console for this to function on your domain.

Table used. Fusion Tables Developers Guide